Quick tips for mastering your office makeup

The goodies to get you work-ready in a flash
The goodies to get you work-ready in a flash
There’s a time and a place for bold, bright makeup or serious smoky eyes, but the office is not one of them. Get this: good makeup can help you out in a situation where you might be judged on your appearance – like a job interview, says research published in the Journal of Applied Social Psychology. So if you want to be taken seriously in the workplace, follow our guide to perfecting the office face. Think clean, classic and not a Kylie Jenner lip in sight.
Prime time
Using primer (after moisturiser, before foundation) will refine your pores and increase the lifespan of your makeup – no more 3pm touch-ups. Choose a primer that suits your skin type. Go for radiance if you have dry skin, or mattifying if you’re oily, suggests makeup artist Hayley Dutton.
Our pick: Smashbox Photo Finish Hydrating Primer

Using a dual product for your lips and cheeks perfectly balances your look, says Dutton. Opt for rose pink for a healthy flush that suits everyone.
Our pick: Dior Cheek & Lip Glow

Brow game
General rule: not too much eyeshadow at work. Therefore, your brow game must be strong. Brows frame the eyes and help create symmetry and structure to the face, essential for a classic, polished look says Dutton. Opt for powders or pencil to keep things natural.
Our pick: Revlon Colorstay Browmaker

Show no fear
Surprise preso? Awkward elevator banter with the boss? Soak up sweat or excess oil on your forehead, nose, cheek and chin by blotting. A blotter reduces the need for powder to nix shine – preventing ‘cake face’.
Our pick: Blotterazzi by BeautyBlender (available only in Sephora stores)

Power up
Elevate your everyday look with a power lip for key meetings and presentations, or when moving on to work drinks. “Avoid lipstick on your teeth by sticking your forefinger in your mouth and dragging it through your lips,” says Dutton.

Time to shine
You might be knackered, but that’s not the vibe you want to give off at your meeting. Before applying foundation, blend cream illuminator across your cheekbones to create the radiant, glowing skin of someone who got their eight hours of beauty sleep.
Our pick: MAC Cosmetics Lightful C Tinted Cream SPF30 with Radiance Booster

Main image: Getty

Caelia is the former Beauty & Grooming Director of Women’s Health and Men’s Health Australia and continues to provide monthly beauty content for Women’s Health. She’s a mum of two and loves to write beauty that is easily adapted into the everyday lives of busy, active women to help them look and feel fantastic. Her freelance credits include Harper’s Bazaar, Body+Soul, Stellar, mamamia network, PopSugar and JONES mag.