Olivia Munn shares her anti-ageing secrets

Number 4 might be the strangest one we’ve ever heard
There’s no denying that Olivia Munn, star of The Newsroom and the upcoming X-Men: Apocalypse, is genetically blessed. Her complexion, angular cheekbones, narrow nose and almond-shaped eyes make for a pretty gorgeous combination.
And it seems that the 35-year-old actress is fully aware that she needs to put in the effort to look after her youthful appearance.
Taking to Instagram, Munn said, “Convinced that there’s got to be natural, health way (ie not only the rich and connected can do it) to keep your skin from aging, I do lots of research.
“Who says guys are the only ones who can get better with age? We’re gonna turn that myth around, if we share what we learn with each other [BEAUTYcrew side note: We LOVE this mentality!].”
Munn then went on to reveal the four skin tips she’s learnt in the last year that she believes has helped the texture and shape of her face.
Working out
Munn worked hard to get into shape for her role in X-Men, and she’s been maintaining a solid exercise regimen since. Besides the fact that working out for an hour a few times a week has “leaned out” her cheeks and jawline, she believes that it’s had skin benefits, too. She said, “It increases blood flow to your face, which helps rejuvenate.”
Reshaping her brows
Munn said in her post, “I do my own brows and always thought they were supposed to have a high arch. Then a facialist pointed out to me that I was shaping my brows into a frown. So I let the top of my brows grow in (which is never fun because it looks spotty for a few weeks) and then I plucked the bottom. That gave my brows a more horizontal angle and instantly brightened my eyes.”
We can totally vouch for the power of bold, natural brows!
Dealing with sunspots
As Australians, we’re no strangers to pigmentation caused by the sun’s UV rays. So how has Olivia Munn dealt with her spots?
She said, “For the past year I’ve been diligently using Proactiv Mark Fading Pads. I wipe my face with one every night and now my face has a more even tone and the large spots aren’t as noticeable.”
We also like Lancôme Blanc Expert Spot Eraser.
Eating potatoes
Okay, this one is a bit...stranger than her other tips, but here’s what Munn has to say about it, “I’ve talked about this before and I still stand by it: Japanese potatoes that are high in hyaluronic acid help keep wrinkles way.”
Munn believes that the best way to get your dose of hyaluronic acid is to ingest it, and although there are pills and vitamins you can take, she’s a fan of getting her fix by eating foods that naturally contain it.
Right, baked Japanese potato for dinner, then?

Carli was BEAUTYcrew’s Editor from launch in 2016 until May 2020. You can find her words right here on BEAUTYcrew, and previously on beautyheaven.
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