How Olivia Rodrigo gets her glowing skin
By Delaney Loane
Digital Beauty Editor / April 30 2021

Her strategy? Simplicity
By Delaney Loane
Digital Beauty Editor / April 30 2021
Yes, Olivia Rodrigo got her driver's licence. We know. Everyone knows. What we want to find out is how she got her glow. Because, TBH, her skin is as sparkling as her fast-rising career.
In a lucky twist, the singer and actress just teamed up with Vogue to detail exactly what she does to keep her complexion looking its best and brightest. She's not necessarily striving for 'perfect' skin, though; she's well aware that's unrealistic, especially at her age. "My skin is alright; I am a teenager, I’m 18, and so I feel like I cannot expect to have perfect skin all the time," she shared via the video. "It’s pretty good all things considered, but I definitely have my moments. My skin loves breaking out on my chin and on my nose, and the masks definitely don’t help with the acne.”
Her routine is actually more about the ritual itself than the results: “Self-care has become super important to me lately – doing your skin care or taking a shower or whatever – you’re not on your phone, and you’re by yourself, and you can kind of really recharge," she explained. "That’s really important to me. I love alone time, I am very much an introvert, and so doing stuff like that really helps energise me for whatever I’m doing in my work or my life.”
So, here's everything Rodrigo does to recharge her soul and get her skin looking radiant...
“The first thing that I do is wash my face [with] Epionce Milky Lotion Cleanser. A month or so ago, I had the worst case of dermatitis where I just broke out all around my mouth, and it was awful. I think it was like, wearing masks a lot, and also using a bunch of products that irritated my skin. My dermatologist said, 'okay, cut everything out of your skin care routine, just wash your face', and that’s sort of why my skin care routine is so simple. I think less is more with skin care a lot of the time."

Image via: Vogue/YouTube

Epionce Milky Lotion Cleanser

Image via: Vogue/YouTube
“Now we’re going to start to get into the real skin care of it; I’m gonna start with this The Ordinary serum,” she shared, shouting out the brand’s nourishing hyaluronic acid and B5 blend, AKA a serious cult-fave. Her preferred application technique? Dropping it directly onto her skin. “People always make fun of me for it, but I always go like that and I don’t put it on my hands. I don’t know why – it’s just so much fun to do it like that.”

Image via: Vogue/YouTube

The Ordinary Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5

Image via: Vogue/YouTube
Gua sha
“The next thing I’m going to use is this gua sha, which is this pretty purple colour that I love," she shared; any loyal Rodrigo stan will be well aware that purple is no doubt the colour of the Sour era. "I kind of started doing this recently this year, and it’s really relaxing. Sometimes I do this also at the end of the day when I’m taking my makeup off.” After an amethyst tool just Rodrigo's? Here’s one to try. More of a face roller fiend? This Samson & Charlie Amethyst Quartz Crystal Roller will satisfy.

Image via: Vogue/YouTube

Theseeke Amethyst Gua Sha

Image via: Vogue/YouTube
Lip care
The final step? Smoothing and hydrating her pout. “I have the most peely lips for some reason, like my lips aren’t chapped, but they’ll just peel all the time, and so lip scrubs really help. I love them because they’re usually just like sugar and lemon, and they taste so good. Like some of it ‘accidentally’ gets in your mouth and it’s like totally intentional because it’s delicious. [Then once my] lips have been scrubbed, the next thing I’ll do is just put on some chapstick.” Her go-to? A bargain balm buy from Burt’s Bees.

Image via: Vogue/YouTube

Burt's Bees Beeswax Lip Balm

Image via: Vogue/YouTube
Main image credit: @thetonyabrewer
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