Beauty Crew’s beauty editor put the fitness service to the test
Five months ago, the inevitable happened; I fell off the fitness bandwagon. Hard. After almost two years of doing H.I.I.T. (that’s high intensity interval training) three to four times a week, I was totally burnt out - in fact, I stopped exercising altogether, and I had zero motivation to get back into it. Next thing I knew, autumn and winter rolled around and I was still struggling to find the motivation to get into my sports gear early in the morning or after work at night.
The only way I was going to get out of my fitness rut was to find a new kind of exercise to get excited about. To do so was going to take some trial and error so I joined ClassPass, a platform that allows you to visit up to 850 fitness studios in Australia (and 9000 globally, for the jetsetters). These were the best classes I tried:
Boxing Cardio
Location: Corporate Fitness Centre, Surry Hills, NSW
Difficulty: 7/10
My experience: You know what they say about hole-in-the-wall restaurants - the more dilapidated the interior, the more delicious the food. The same can be said about Corporate Fitness Centre - it’s not the flashiest of places, but boy, was I in for a killer workout. I signed myself up for Boxing Cardio; a class suitable for all fitness and skill levels for men and women, which turned out to be the perfect place to let off some steam (there’s something consoling about punching on with a partner in complete sync). It also turns out they weren’t joking about the cardio side of things - the 45-minute class involved so many punches, sit-ups and core-strength toning exercises I thought I was going to throw up during my walk back to the car afterwards. Then came the shakes; my hands couldn’t even hold the steering wheel - hence another 10 minutes sitting in the car trying to gather myself. Later that night when my nerves had settled, I felt strong and alert; and you know what… I couldn’t wait to go back for more.
Top tip: Grab a friend or partner to come with you - it makes for great bonding time.

Location: Modo Yoga, Rosebery, NSW
Difficulty: 5/10
My experience: I’ve always rolled my eyes at yoga - some studios are too preachy, others are too dark and dingy, and don’t even get me started on trying to hold a plank when all you can smell is incense. To my surprise, Modo was completely different; not only was the studio clean and welcoming (you won’t spot any yoga posters here), but the energy was totally different. Instructor Thy Nguyen began the heated 37 degree class with a simple meditation that rocked me to my core, so much so that it even brought on the waterworks (I blame the big week I had). Then came the full body workout involving lots of poses and floorwork that made my body pour sweat from places that I didn’t know I could sweat from. New to yoga? Not to worry - you’ll have lots of guidance from your teacher. I’ve since visited this place three more times; you could say I’m on a path to becoming a devoted yogi now.
Top tip: Bring your own mat (or you can loan one from the studio). Plus, you’ll definitely need a towel and drink bottle for this class.

Around The World
Location: Scenic Cycle, Sydney, NSW
Difficulty: 4/10
My experience: A visit to Scenic Cycle came by recommendation from two friends that are serious fitness experts, and if it’s good enough for them, it’d most certainly be good enough for me. Led by inspirational instructor Erin who positively lives and breathes cycling (I found out that she even has an exercise bike in her lounge room that she practices on while she’s watching TV), the class involved climbing through different terrains and at high and low intensities for 50 minutes in the dark. I discovered this was no ordinary spin class - so leave the lycra at home - as each class is meant to take you on a journey, and not just in a metaphorical way. The class I signed up for was ‘Around The World’, which projected pre-recorded virtual rides through St. Moritz, Lake Como and Hong Kong, to name a few. Take that, Euro-trippers; I’m having my own fun here.
Top tip: In advance, book in for a SCX bike in the back row - these bikes connect to a larger monitor near the front of the room, where you can track your progress against others in the class.

Final verdict
It’s been a month since I started with ClassPass and I can safely say I’m converted. The variety is definitely what won me over, and it has fit in pretty well with my daily routine so far. The only setback would be how quickly the popular classes book out, so my best advice is to get in early and plan your week in advance. You can currently start a two week trial for just $19, so now there’s no excuse not to get fit! Summer, I’m coming at you.

Iantha is BEAUTYcrew's Beauty Editor, and has been part of the team since the site launched in 2016. Besides pinky-nude nail polish and wispy false lashes, she has a healthy obsession with face masks and skin care ingredients. Her previous work can be found in Virgin Australia Voyeur, Women's Health, and SHOP Til You Drop.