Do beauty powders and supplements *really* work?
We’re a sucker for anything that promises perfect skin. From microneedling and lasers, to LED masks and facial acupuncture, you name it, we’ve tried it. Given the current buzz around beauty powders and supplements, you’re going to bet we’ve also jumped at the chance to ingest perfect skin.
Fuelled by celebrities and influencers on social media, there has been a massive boom in the popularity of beauty supplements. They’re everywhere. And they’ve slowly just become another essential step in our beauty routines.
But while we mix funny-tasting powders into our water and smoothies, and pop a few this-will-give-you-your-best-skin-yet pills every morning, in the back of our minds we’re all wondering the same thing – will this really help achieve a plump and radiant complexion? Are they actually worth the effort (and the money!) or are they just another fad?
To find out, we spoke to the founder and Innovation Director at YORA, Antoinette Barnardo, who says beauty powders and supplements are worth the effort. According to Barnardo, the right kind of formulas can be effective in providing your body with the essential building blocks for healthy functioning.
What are beauty powders and supplements?
Think of beauty powders and supplements as a top-up – they pretty much work by bringing our nutrient levels back to normal. “Being our largest organ, our skin depends on many factors (genetics, lack of pathogens or infections, properly functioning hormones, etc.) and nutrients and vitamins to keep it disease-free and functioning properly,” explains Barnardo. “Often the imbalances in our lives, like living and commuting in polluted cities, unbalanced diets, stress and lack of sleep can affect how we absorb and utilise those nutrients for skin function, which will impact how our skin looks and feels. This is why [skin] may need a little extra help from the inside out in the form of good foods high in antioxidants, supplements, and nutrients or vitamins to plug the deficiencies that can impact optimal skin function and appearance.”
How do you know if your nutrient levels are low?
Of course, unless you get tested by a doctor, you’ll never really know if you’re truly deficient in vitamin levels. If you want to try out beauty supplements, we recommend talking to your doctor before you start popping a bunch of pills. While your body will excrete some excess vitamins, others can accumulate in the liver and cause damage if you take too much. So, have a chat to your doctor, and if you do plan on trying a beauty supplement, make sure you try only one brand at a time (especially if it contains similar ingredients as your usual multivitamin).
How do you know which beauty supplements are legit?
Barnardo warns, “Supplements and beauty powders are not created equal”. With an influx of powders and supplements out there, it’s crucial to look for reputable, well-known, review-backed brands. “It’s always a good idea to begin with a scientific approach that considers ingredients proven to work (shown in clinical trials) and it’s also imperative to consider the whole supply chain when creating powders or supplements, i.e. where the nutrients are grown (real food components), how they are harvested and how they are treated (with pesticides, etc.), how they are extracted into a format which captures all of their active nutrients, and then, how they are manufactured with good practice and standards,” advises Barnardo.
“It’s also important to look at whether a product has scientific rigour by the community, e.g. if it is a TGA (Therapeutics Goods of Australia) registered supplement, which undergoes scrutiny and very strict regulations that ensures its robustness and to prevent claims or statements that are misleading or false to the end user.”
What ingredients to look out for
So, are there certain ingredients we should look out for in beauty powders and supplements? Are some ingredients better than others? Barnardo says when it comes to looking for ingredients, “This is not an either/or but rather a both/and approach that is needed. A combination of ingredients and nutrients that work synergistically to support the skin’s function and structure, that downgrades inflammation and combats symptoms like redness as an example, is the best way to approach great looking skin – there is no one thing that works in isolation that will combat skin problems.”
“The skin is made up of layers, some which contain blood cells, nerves, sweat and oil glands, lymph vessels, hair follicles, sebaceous glands and sensory receptors, etc., so we know nutrients that are fat soluble like vitamin D (which is essential for the skin), carotenoids (foods that contain orange pigments like tomatoes, carrots and watermelon) and also nutrients with high levels of antioxidants can support and improve the skin from the inside out. This is not where it ends but rather where it begins and from here, it’s important to consider all the vitamins and nutrients needed for healthy functioning and looking skin.
When will the results kick in?
The first rule? Don’t expect your skin to completely change overnight. This is a long-term commitment, so you have to be consistent. Generally, you should start seeing a difference in the appearance of your skin around the four-week mark – however, it is important to note that everyone is different. “This depends on many factors, [such as] the individual’s biochemistry, how well their gut functions, how stressed they are (stress can impair gut function and uptake of nutrients), how much sleep they are getting, how healthy they are in general, and how regularly they use the product. Just like a dietary change, it takes a while to change things in the body and for it to adapt to changes – this is not an overnight solution. The skin is no different. It requires time and consistency. Stick with it so you can reap the results and benefits over time – all good things take time.”
What kind of improvements can you see?
Keep in mind that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to health and skin and results will vary. “Always look at what the label promises,” says Barnardo. “If it’s glowing skin, look out that the product indeed delivers on that promise or how it defines glowing skin. If it’s a reduction in wrinkles or fine lines, the same applies. Overall, healthy or glowing skin is one that is free from infection or redness, blemishes like excessive pimples or pigmentation, dryness (or excess oiliness) and skin that does not burn when you apply your skin care products and is overall smooth to the touch.”
Want to know where to start? We recommend trying these beauty powders: JSHealth Vitality X + Collagen Powder ($189.99 at JSHealth), The Beauty Chef Glow Inner Beauty Powder ($69 at The Beauty Chef) and Vida Glow Anti-G-Ox Powder ($80 at Vida Glow).


The Beauty Chef Glow Inner Beauty Powder

Vida Glow Anti-G-Ox Powder
Keen to find out more about the buzz around beauty powders and supplements? Click on the ep below to hear what the hosts from Get Lippy have to say.
What do you think of beauty supplements and powders? Would you try them? Let us know in the comment section below.
Main image credit: Getty

Erin Docherty is a Beauty Writer for BEAUTYcrew, Beauty Editor for Women's Health magazine and a Grooming Writer for Men's Health magazine. She has a keen interest in cosmeceutical skin care and is currently working on minimising her 9-step skin care routine – because ain’t nobody got time for that. When she’s not writing about the latest beauty news, or applying copious amounts of serum, you can find her spending all her money in Sephora.