How to find the blush shade that'll be stunning on your skin tone

Colour matching, rouge style
By Delaney Loane
Digital Beauty Editor / July 01 2020
Let’s get something straight in the rouge department, shall we? Blush is a category, not a colour (despite its common association with a stagnant rosy pink hue).
So, seeing as even the prettiest pink cheek colour in all the land can’t pop equally against every complexion, here’s a little reminder: blush is all about brightening and freshening up the face by using whatever shade is best equipped to do so.
To bring luminous life to your skin, you need to first consider which colour family will flatter your complexion instead of just swiping on a blush colour billed as one-size-fits-all – trust us the results will reward you.
Here’s our guide to getting your hands on your ideal hue.

Main image credit:@lllauryne
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