Here's how to find your perfect body sunscreen

No matter what's on your protection wishlist
By Team BEAUTYcrew
October 14 2020
Sunscreen is one of the uttermost important products in your skin care routine, and yet it’s still somehow ridiculously difficult to find a good one that you actually rate.
Because while it obviously needs to work (broad-spectrum UVA and UVB protection is non-negotiable), we all have different preferences when it comes to the way our protection looks, feels and hey, even smells.
Some of us lust after a sheen-y effect, whereas others would do anything for a solid oil-free option, and some see natural status as the most important factor, while their friends might just want something that smells like pure summer.
Success in the SPF department all comes down to exactly what you're looking for – but honestly, even if you know what you want, it can still be tricky to find it.
Luckily, we've done the legwork for you, and tracked down a perfect formula for every skin type and wish list criteria. You officially no longer have an excuse, so go on, get slathering...

Main image credit: @georgiafowler
After an option suited to your face? Here are our favourite sunscreens to wear under makeup...
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