This classic beauty tool is now better for the environment

Proof you can still have your beauty essentials without compromising the planet
Proof you can still have your beauty essentials without compromising the planet
Getting a sharper cat-eye flick with the help of a cotton tip? That’s a good time. Ruining the planet for the sake of said cat-eye? Not so good.
Fact: Everyone has at least one packet of cotton tips in their bathroom. And they’ve become a household staple for many – whether you’re cleaning up mascara, perfecting your lip liner, fixing your nail polish or applying a spot treatment.
However, while they’re *super* useful, they’re also pretty stinkin’ bad for the environment. Many cotton buds will end up in landfills or in our oceans where they’re consumed by marine life.
Luckily, a war against plastic is currently underway (plastic bags and straws are already on their way out), and cult-favourite beauty brand Swisspers is now taking a stance on plastic waste. They’re helping to reduce single-use plastic one tip at a time with their new Paper Stem Cotton Tips.
The new Paper Stem Cotton Tips are a more eco-friendly and compostable alternative to your regular plastic stems. They are made from a mix of sustainably-grown wood and recycled paper, and have the same 100 per cent cotton tips. And while you would think the opposite, these little guys are actually a whole lot stronger than the plastic stems.
What’s more, the new resealable packing dramatically reduces the plastic wastage compared to the standard plastic tub.
Good one, Swisspers!
Want to know about more eco-friendly beauty news? Check out Adore Beauty’s exciting announcement.
What do you think of sustainable packaging? Do you have any tips for reducing our environmental footprint in the beauty space?
Main image credit: Getty

Erin Docherty is a Beauty Writer for BEAUTYcrew, Beauty Editor for Women's Health magazine and a Grooming Writer for Men's Health magazine. She has a keen interest in cosmeceutical skin care and is currently working on minimising her 9-step skin care routine – because ain’t nobody got time for that. When she’s not writing about the latest beauty news, or applying copious amounts of serum, you can find her spending all her money in Sephora.