We asked Rachael Finch how she maintains her healthy diet while travelling and she didn’t hold back

So now we’re sharing it all with you
So now we’re sharing it all with you
Keeping a healthy diet on track can often be tricky – even at the best of times!
And the temptation to cave in to fast food is often even greater when you’re travelling because you don’t have access to familiar eating spots, grocery stores and your own kitchen.
Considering Australian model and media personality Rachael Finch somehow manages to maintain a Miss Universe Australia figure while travelling the world, juggling her modelling and media gigs, running her BODY by Finch business AND raising her children Violet and Dominic with husband Michael Miziner, we figured she was the perfect person to ask about how to keep our dietary habits in check when on-the-go.
And the former Miss Universe Australia had PLENTY of hot tips to share in our exclusive interview:
#1 / It starts on the plane
“Don’t be left eating processed and packaged food on a long-haul flight to kickstart your trip. You can never be too sure what’s in the food being served or where it’s come from. I like to always pack my own snacks that are rich in essential fats like nuts or homemade plant protein bars. I may even use my flight as a chance to fast and give my body a chance to rest and regenerate new cells. I still ensure I’m drinking loads of water throughout the flight!”
#2 / Plan ahead
“There’s nothing worse than coming home from a trip feeling like you need more time to recover or get your health back on track again. When I’m on the road I make it a priority to search for good food to keep my body nourished and happy. It may take a little research but it is possible.
[Planning] is necessary for everywhere I go. Whether we are venturing into the city or on set shooting, I always think about what the food options around me will be. Will there be a nearby café I can order something healthy from or should I get some ingredients the night before and take them in my backpack? There are some great apps that can help you and our BODY by Finch program is now available via the app so you can check out healthy snack options and ideas whilst you’re on the road.”
#3 / Have some go-to meals in mind when eating out, and don’t be afraid to request meal modifications
“When I’m out I like to keep it simple when ordering food. This means basic meals like eggs with avocado and spinach, chicken with rice and steamed vegetables, or items I’m familiar with like sushi or salad bowls. This way I know how my body will respond and will avoid feeling horrible.
I’m never shy to kindly ask my waiter to place dressings on the side, leave out rich sauces, or add or remove items that don’t sit well with my body. Most places are happy to accommodate for special requests and in my opinion there is nothing more special than your body.”
#4 / Balance is key
“It’s about balance and enjoyment… don’t stress about getting out of your health routine if you eat a few meals here or there that aren’t considered ‘healthy’. Just make the next meal healthy, move your body and find space in your day to just be present and soak up the experience.
I never deny myself treats… I just make them healthy ones. Before I arrive at any destination, I do some research into where the healthy hot spots are and plan a trip into the store to stock up, so that I’m not left eating overly-processed or toxic food that will leave me feeling horrible.
There are so many countries and cities embracing the health trend and I feel it’s getting much easier to source these delicious and nourishing ingredients. Once in-store – I go for something like 90 per cent raw dark chocolate, a raw caramel slice made with coconut oil and tahini, or any other raw treat that uses plant-based sweeteners!”
#5 / Boost your energy and combat jet lag with MCT coffee
“I love my MCT wherever I am in the world, and in fact, a lot of cities are starting to offer MCT coffee as an option on their menu now. I add my Melrose MCT (which stands for Medium Chain Triglycerides and is a purified form of coconut oil) to coffee in the morning for an extra boost of sustained energy. I notice I don’t get that ‘spike’ that I get from a standard black coffee and I am more focused and alert. It can be a good way to help get over jet lag and get into local time more effectively.”
#6 / Book an Airbnb (or somewhere you can cook)
“One of the main reasons I choose to stay in an Airbnb while we’re away is so I can cook and prepare my own meals.
We do a big grocery shop at the start of the trip so we can cook what we usually do at home! Again, this is kept pretty simple – loads of veg with roasted sweet potato and organic meat or fish.
It also means I’ve got healthy snacks on standby in the room to avoid those last-minute snack runs. For snacks we go for things like nuts, fruit, raw protein balls or seed crackers with hummus.”
Wise words, thank you Rachael! Now onto booking our next vacay so that we can put Rachael’s advice into action…
Rachael has also shared her daily beauty routine with us – check out the full interview here.
What are your tips for staying healthy while travelling? Let us know in the comments.
Main image credit: @rachael_finch

Isobel is a Digital Content Editor at BEAUTYcrew, marie claire and InStyle. When she's not busy hunting for the latest beauty news, you’ll find her arranging her skincare collection in search of the perfect “shelfie.” Isobel was previously BEAUTYcrew's Junior Beauty Writer.