The cast of 'The O.C.' and their jaw-dropping before and afters

Oliver Trask? Still smug
By Samantha McMeekin
January 21 2021
There are few ‘00s TV shows that had as many iconic fashion and beauty moments than The O.C.
If you didn’t want a choppy side fringe like Marissa Cooper or all-around eyeliner like Summer Roberts in 2004, you must have never sung (nay, screeched) along with “California here we come'' at 8:30 pm on a Tuesday night (FYI, The O.C. soundtrack still slaps).
And that was all before the side characters started streaming in. Alex was single-handedly responsible for every person who decided to dye a purple streak in their hair in high school, and Johnny’s sweeping surfer hair happened long before One Direction was even a thing.
But while it may be hard to believe it’s been 17 years since Ryan Atwood told us what he likes about rich kids (nothin’) our beloved Orange County characters sure look a whole lot different now...

Main image credit: Fox Broadcasting Company
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