All the best celebrity hair transformations of 2021

Someone hold us back from the scissors...
By Team BEAUTYcrew
December 21 2021
Celebrities are definitely chameleons when it comes to their hair.
Whether they're switching it up for a new album era or movie role, colouring it pink to join the cotton candy hair club, or committing to a mullet moment, Hollywood hair changes come a mile a minute. So, to make sure you don't miss a single one, we're rounding up all of 2021's boldest, bravest and best cuts, colours and tress transformations.
Whether you're here for inspiration's sake or just to see what your fave faces look like without their signature style, you've definitely come to the right place...

Want to stay ahead of the trends? Here are the 2021 hair trends set to reign supreme...
Main image credits: @bellahadid, @kimkardashian, @dualipa, @madssune