The cheap makeup brands we can’t get enough of

Great price and zero compromise on quality - we like!
If you’re anything like us, you like to change your makeup with your mood and experiment with different looks on the regular. Unfortunatelym this means you need an epic and diverse makeup kit...which costs money. Lots of money. But luckily there are some seriously affordable makeup brands out there that compete with the best (and most luxe) of them. These are our favourite budget-friendly makeup brands.

Want to up your skin care game? These are the best-selling skin care brands at MECCA, Priceline and Myer.
What’s your favourite cheap makeup brand? Share with us below, we’d love to know!
Main image credit: @gigihadid

Chelsea is BEAUTYcrew’s Contributing Editor. She has a sweet spot for anything that claims to make skin glow and won’t leave the house without a slick of mascara. Chelsea has 10 years of experience as a beauty editor and her words can be found on BEAUTYcrew, Women’s Health, Daily Addict, The Joye and Primped.